Polina Laamanen (b.1989) in St.Petersburg, Russia is an embroidery and textile artist based in Vantaa, Finland since 2020. She creates one of a kind hand stitched artworks using threads and hand modified textile.
Over the years Polina established her own recognisable embroidery
style where thread painting is combined with hand modified textile. All collected experience Polina shared in series of online workshops with over 3000 participants.
Polina has Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from SPbSTUPP
In 2022 she was featured in the Vogue Scandinavia magazine. In 2020
she wrote a book about 3D embroidery that was published by EKSMO.
In 2016 after changing big city life to countryside she found her unique
way of embroidering birds which began a whole career as a self
employed artist. The most popular hand embroidered jewellery from
that time was hen brooch - it was created in many different colour
combinations and in more than 200 copies.
At the moment Polina is working on collection of artworks which
combine Scandinavian graphics and realistic botanical embroidery.